Your money can’t win her love

Fred told his friend Tunde that he was going to take Kemi on a treat, a lady he met some weeks back.
His plan was to take her shopping and later, to eat in a classy restaurant.

“I will shower her with affection, gifts and money till she becomes mine”, he said.
That was the awesome plan Fred had devised and as he was divulging it, it was obvious he believed it was really going to work out and Kemi would soon be his girl.

All that Tunde said fell on the deaf ears of Fred, who had no doubt about the success of his plan.
“Do ladies not like money? As long as I have my money, everything is under control”, those were his final words to Tunde.

Fred obviously belongs the category of men who believe money can get them everything.
There is a saying that “money does it all” but this is not applicable in all cases. We have ladies who get irritated at the sight of boastful men or guys whose modus operandi in issues pertaining to women, is money.

Some men are of the opinion that there’s no other way to woo a lady without money being in the mix but they are wrong.
If your partner loves you for what you have instead of who you are, then be sure that relationship might meet its waterloo soon enough.

Money could run off at any point and the lady you enticed with money would start quibbling, nagging and looking for ways to break up with you because the relationship wasn’t built on love in the first place.
Books and movies may have unrealistically projected the erroneous impression that money can make a true relationship work out.

However, that perception hardly ever holds water in the real sense of things.
Men should always take note of this when going into marriage-intended relationship because marriage, unlike other institutions, is one where the certificate is issued beforehand.
The performance, either good or bad, is recorded in the marriage.

Choose rightly; take your time to do your background checks on the person you want to go into a relationship with.
Let love be the determinant and with time, it would become mutual. Discard the thinking that money would get a lady’s heart because the gimmick doesn’t work all the time.
Your value shouldn’t be money-based.


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