Apostle Johnson Suleiman releases 50 Shocking Prophecies for 2017

General overseer of the Omega Fire Ministries Worldwide, Apostle Johnson Suleman, has released 50 prophecies for the year 2017. Going by the divine messages, the New Year will be a mixed bag of events as he says things are likely to get tougher though with some positive signs at interval. Natural disasters, crises, disappointments are most likely especially in the world’s political arena, while prayers remain the key to avert tragedies and bring more blessings. Below is the list of the prophecies, as revealed on Monday, December 12th 2016. -I see terrorism on the increase. -The Buhari government should not relax yet on Boko Haram, I see it coming back. -Buhari will face impeachment threats. -America and China will have a major face-off. -I see crude oil flowing in Northern Nigeria, it is real. -Abuja will experience a major fire explosion. -America’s incoming president, Donald Trump will face impeachment threats as members of Congress will divide over his style of le...