5 reasons you need to lose that potbelly as a man

5 reasons you need to lose that potbelly as a man
1.  Belly fat can kill you
Doctors consider belly fat to be the most dangerous type of fat. It does not matter how much you weigh when you have enough fat to have a protruding belly, with a weight of 40 inches and over being a problem.

A protruding belly is a sign that you have a lot more fat, known as visceral fat, surrounding other organs such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines. It comes with a high risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, colorectal cancer, diabetes and premature death.

 2.       Losing it can cure your snoring problem
Having too much belly fat can cause snoring and sleep apnoea, a condition where one stops breathing for a few seconds.

It can happen multiple times throughout the night. The snoring might not only disturb someone sleeping next to you, but can also cause you to feel fatigued when you wake up.

 3.       Belly fat is bad for your lungs
A 2009 study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine found that people with excess belly fat had poorer lung function than people with normal-sized bellies.

 The extra weight increases pressure on the lungs, as it reduces the space needed for the lungs and restricts the movement of the diaphragm. This is a recipe for developing breathing problems. If one already has existing problems like asthma, they become worse.

 4.       Belly fat makes it harder to lose weight
Your metabolism’s efficiency depends on the amount of fat in your body, and the more belly fat you have, the more the levels of insulin. Insulin in turn increases the body’s ability to convert calories into body fat.

Belly fat makes your body think it is constantly hungry, thus making you eat a lot more food than you need. Insulin can block Letin, the satiety hormone, making you feel constantly hungry.

 5.       Belly fat usually means you have a weak core
Your abdominal muscles are part of your core muscles, which together are the most important muscles in your body. A US Army study showed that powerful abdominal muscles help prevent injury, so much more than good upper-body strength and cardiovascular endurance.

Weak core muscles cause lower back pain, poor posture which makes you unable to sit or stand straight for more than a short time, bad balance and general weakness of the body.

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