The 6 Biggest Fears a Woman Has for Her Man and Her Marriage…And How to Overcome Them

Usually when there is talk of a woman’s fear it focuses on pursuing her passion, being bold, or starting a business. We don’t often discuss the fears she may have that relate to her man and her marriage.

The more we discuss the concerns we have in our marriage, the stronger our marriages will become.

While married women typically present an unwavering confidence to the masses, underneath it all  there are a few things tha worry her about her most sacred relationship.

  1. She is worried her husband will lose interest and cheat.

Of course there will always be women who may be prettier than us or have a better body than us. So sometimes feeling a little jealous or insecure is a very real concern. Add to that how glorified cheating and side chicks have become today, it heightens a wife’s fear of losing her husband.
The reality is we can’t control our husband’ every move. If they decide to cheat it’s usually because of their own selfish actions and not us. However, we are in control of maintaining our marriage.

  • Tip for Overcoming: We are responsible for our role and being the best spouse possible. Keeping his interes is a wife’s duty. Checking in frequently with your spouse and having an understanding of his needs is necessary.

2. She is worried she may lose interest or get bored.
Her concerns are valid because sometimes marriage is boring. Our friends’ lives seem more exciting than ours. Especially if they’re traveling or partying every night. Some married women begin to compare and think about life as what ifs.

What if I wasn’t married? What if I didn’t have this family? What if I did some harmless flirting for fun? When we feel lik this we lose sight of all we have to be grateful for. We were chosen for this life and gratitude is needed in these moments more than ever.

  • Tip for Overcoming: When you start to feel like the life you chose isn’t as fu as it used to be, take action. You don’t ever have to settle for a mediocre marriage. Share with your spouse that you’re bored and bring some ideas to the table on what it will take for you to feel excited about marriage again.

3. She is worried that her husband won’t ever change
She’s worried her husband won’t ever change into or be everything she wants him to be. We sometimes forget we can’t chang our men. Usually what we have a problem with are habits we noticed in the beginning of the relationship.
Now all of a sudden, they aggravate the hell out of us. Addressing our concerns will brin the challenges to light, but the changing will come from them, when they deem it necessary to change, sometimes unfortunately.

Tip for Overcoming: We must remember everyone has flaws, and a few of our husband’s we may just hav to live with.

4.  She is worried about their spiritual growth as a couple.
In some marriages women are attending church, praying and worshiping solo. We are desiring for our husbands to have a deeper and stronger relationship with God and perhaps he’s just not there yet.

  • Tip for Overcoming: We can’t ever stop praying for him and demonstrating the value of knowing God. He’ll have to want it for himself, but the more he sees the God in you, the more tempted he will be to know Him for himself.

5. She is worried she won’t be able to satisfy his sexual appetite.
All she’s thinking is that she’s drained and he still wants sex. Believe me every wife wants to feed her husband’s cravings, but juggling all that’s on her plate becomes the challenge. Taking better physical care of your body is first and foremost.

You can’t be in the mood if you’re worn out. Exercising, eating right, drinking water, and taking vitamins will help. Making sure you enjoy sex as much as your husband will also benefit your marriage.

  • Tip for Overcoming: Bringing new sexual positions or new intimate ideas into your bedroom will also get you excited and craving more intimacy.

6. She is worried he won’t be able to satisfy her.
Intimacy works both ways in marriage. Both partners have needs and occasionally those needs change. Whenever they do, our husbands must be the first to know.

If that special way he caresses your back no longer turns you on, tell him. If it’s becoming harder for you to reach a climax, tell him and share what your body truly needs. He won’t ever be able to satisfy you if he is clueless as to what you need most.

  • Tip for Overcoming: The more we discuss the concerns we have in our marriage, the stronger our marriages will become. The same advice usually given for the other fears we have in life, also apply to our marriage. Don’t allow those fears to stop you from taking action and being bold in your marriage.

BMWK, what are the fears in your marriage?

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