For some of us music is something that we listen to and just enjoy and to others, it’s our life, career and sometimes even our love. A-john who grew up in the Eastern part of Nigeria, has been honing his skills as a Song writer and Gospel artist– and his latest single, Heavenly Father, which came out last month of May 2018 , suggests he made the right move. 
Evritinnaija got to interview this talented musician as he speaks about His Career, Struggles, Life And Music.
Check out our conversation below!

Evritinnaija: Your Name?
A-John: My name is Anya John

Evritinnaija: Stage Name?

Evritinnaija: Your Hometown?
A-John: I am From Abia State in Bende Local Govt.

Evritinnaija: Marital Status & Children?
A-John: Single

Evritinnaija: Where did you grow up?
A-John: I grew up in the south east of Nigeria where I started and finished my Primary and Secondary Education. I got my degree in financial Management from the federal University of Technology, Owerri Imo State, and ever since I have been an avid Traveler who has traveled to different parts of the country. I am living currently in Lagos city, the Entertainment Capital of Africa.

Evritinnaija: How did your interest in music start?
A-John: I develop love for music back in the fall of the new millennium 2000s. When I use to watch pop/Gospel music concert videos where the lyrics of the songs where visibly displayed alongside while the song is playing. I use to enjoy singing along with these artists, I know I love music and couldt get enough of it. Over the years. The passion for music keeps growing at an unprecedented growth. That is how I started writing down the lyrics of my favorite songs; I remember I even wrote the lyrics of west life and back street Boys favorite songs on my secondary school note book. Over time, that was how I gained the ability to be able to write and compose my own songs, that was how and where the song writing skills emanated and have been developing ever since. Today I have written a lot of songs, some are finished projects while, some work are still in the process. As an artiste, I like to see myself as a work in progress, and that is what I am.

Evritinnaija: what are the main inspirations for the lyrics you write?
A-John: the truth is that I have recorded secular music in the past, but then, one day in my private time, i said to God its true am not a gospel artist, but God I will love to use my talent/ gift to serve you in my own capacity, knowing full well that i am not a gospel artist.
I told God even if it will take 6months to be able to write a Song for Him, i will wait for the Inspiration. Since I knew, I was longing in my heart to do something Creative with my time for God.. This is where the Miracle happened... You not gonna believe it; God answered my prayer since the desire to write a Song for God was there. Could you believe? It took me less than 2weeks to finish writing that Gospel Song, and ever Since, the Inspiration is a flowing fountain that has never stop.

Evritinnaija: Why gospel and not RNB or soul music?
A-John: If am going to do anything, i always want to be on Gods side. You hear most secular music praising human beauty and glory. But I would love to work in Gods vineyard. Im dedicating my gift and talent to God because Hes the source of it all.

Evritinnaija: How would you describe your music?
A-John: My music is derived from a place or worship from within, so if am was to describe my music i would say it is inspirational, encouraging and life changing.

Evritinnaija: The Gospel is a bit overcrowded how do you intend to set yourself apart?
A-John: Gospel is overcrowded yes but i think its lacking relationship with God. People nowadays just do music from talent and no anointing there for it is good to the ear but lack in the spiritual aspect of it. I intend to be different in keeping it pure and allowing it to flowing from the true vine.

Evritinnaija: Your single Heavenly Father is trending right now hot cakes on I tune talk us through.
A-John: The single is out on Clyp, mp3, SoundCloud, Yourlisten, google play, City Fm Radio Station , Xbox Music, To get the track all you have to do is go on Yourlisten and type (Heavenly Father by A-John) then you will see the song. Please kindly rate it while you at it. Dont miss the hype!!!!!!!

Click the links to download A-John latest Single "Heave Father ''




Evritinnaija: Who produces your music?
A-John: Producer Obistan EzeAgu

Evritinnaija: Who inspires you
A-John: my biggest influence are Gospel artist like Steve Crown, Bynum, Sinach, Nathaniel Bassey, TimGodfrey, Frank Edwards and a host of other gospel Artists.

Evritinnaija: What are you most afraid of?
A-John: Im afraid of missing the mark going astray from the call and the purpose i was called for.

Evritinnaija: Can you describe yourself in three words?
A-John: Human (i am human just like you not perfect) Vessel ( i am available for the masters use in all humility) Anointed ( an empty vessel makes a lot of noise but a vessel filled with anointing is fruitful in the vineyard)

Evritinnaija: What does the future hold for A-John?
A-John: Well from here, there is too much in the pipeline to list here however to give you a short taster myself and the team are talking about doing the video for the single Heaven Father  then release the full album sometime before the end of the year if everything goes well.
This is all i am letting loose in the mean time. To keep up all the details i suggest you add me on my Facebook www.Facebook/A-John.john.98.com and Twitter @ajohn5 and will keep you updated.

Evritinnaija: Message to your fans?
A-John: Hello and ample grace to every lover of my music out there. I appreciate y`all. Now hear this; `The expert in anything was once a beginner`. Stay consistent, work smart and believe God with everything you`ve got. I humbly ask that you keep supporting what I do and never stop anticipating new materials from A-John.

Evritinnaija: What advice would you like to give to Gospel artist out there?
A-John: my advice to gospel artist out there is to be original. Dont be compelled to write/ sing a gospel song if that grace of inspiration is not yet there. Be patient for the inspiration to come. That is why gospel songs we hear today are Recycled creativity. If you must sing a gospel music, beg God for inspiration, I know most people understand what I am saying. That not been the case, there are Gospel musicians out there making great music and making God proud. Lastly, let the gospel music you make correlate with your personality.

Evritinnaija: Thank you for your time.
A-John: Most welcome. Thank you evritinnaija for what you do for the body of Christ. You are a blessing. Ample Grace.

Evritinnaija :You heard it all from the promising artist himself A-John. Follow the link above to listen and download his latest Song ''Heavenly Father'' and leave a comment below.. Thanks for reading, goodbye for now and God bless...

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