Sacked DSS DG, Daura EXPOSED Who He is Answerable To, Sent Serious Warning to Osinbajo – (FULL REPORT)

L atestreport asthe response of sacked Director-General of the Departmentof StateServices (DSS), Lawal Daura, to Vice President, YemiOsinbajo, might beresponsible for hisremoval.
Asreported,masked DSS operativesearlyTuesday morning preventedlawmakers fromaccessingthe National Assembly for severalhours.
Thewidespreadmedia attention andoutrage fromNigerians,as wellasattempts byfurious lawmakersto break into the premises, forced the security agentsto grantaccess tothe parliament.
Limitedly, the access wasonly grantedto serving lawmakers. Allother membersof staffat the National Assembly,aswell asjournalists and other independentobserverswere deniedentry.
Thesiegelasteduntil late afternoonwhenDSS operatives stooddown after receiving reportsthat Acting President YemiOsinbajodid notauthorise the deployment and hadfired the director-general of the secret police, Lawal Daura, asa consequence.
Presidential sourceshas disclosedevents that led to Daura’s removal. Quoted by newsmen, the sourcesdisclosed that Osinbajocommunicatedhis actiontohis principal, President MuhammaduBuhari before going publicwith the announcement but thiswas after the SSS boss wasplaced asasuspected mole inthe security agency.
Althoughhisactivitiessuggests Daurawastaking directives fromBuhari, who appointedhim, he is lately been suspected to beworking for SenatePresident, Bukola Saraki.
“When the siegebegan,the acting presidentquicklywentto actionandwas abletogather preliminaryinformationof what wasgoing onafter which he invitedsome of the security chiefs concerned for abriefing,” one of the sourcessaid.
Those invited includethe Inspector-General of Police, IbrahimIdris, who saidthe siege cameasa surprise tohim and the former DSS DG, MrDaura, whois reportedly arrestedeven thoughhiswhereabout atthe momentremained unknown.
“When Lawal Dauracamein, the acting president asked him whocleared himto order operativestolay siegeon the National Assembly;and his responsewas ‘shocking’.
“He simply saidit’s within his powersandthat heis only answerableto the Presidentand Commander-in-Chief who appointed him,” the sourcesaid.
Afterhisresponse, MrOsinbajo toldhismediaaide, Laolu Akande, to immediatelyissue a statementannouncing the sack of MrDaura.
“The acting president also asked the National Security Adviser to handover the sacked DG tothe policefor further investigation,” the sourceadded.
SomeNigerians have saidthe presidency was usingDauraas a scapegoat because the government plan to oustSaraki hasfailed.
Someare of the opinion that therewas noway the sacked DSSDG who is the cousin of the presidentcould turnaroundand betray hisprincipalworking for Saraki. T
hispositionwas also corroborated bythe PDPwho asked Osinbajoto“shed the idea of using” the sacked Director Generalof the Departmentof Services, Lawal Dauraas “the fallguy” for Tuesday’s invasion of the National Assembly by security forces.
Theoppositionparty maintained that the siegewas with the “absolute knowledge and approvalof President MuhammaduBuhari, Vice PresidentOsinbajo, andthe All ProgressivesCongress (APC).”
Also, the APChasaccused Mr Sarakiof masterminding the dramathat transpired atthe parliamentyesterday.

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