Should I abort the pregnancy and Move on without Him

My name is lovth and here is my story. 
It all started from when my Dad died.
Me and my siblings were still in School, and we find it hard finding our feet
because our uncles took all our father' properties away from us.  My brothers wanted to fight back,  but my mom asked them to let it rest
She believes that once there is life...there is hope...
So seeing myself through from school was a bit difficult, My mom had to borrow money for me to write my final year exams.

When I finally got out from school...I started a job, the pay wasn't couraging bcos if I calculate my transport and feeding and money to send to Mum....I barely have anything left and that was not the kind of life I wanted..

My dreams is to be rich and famous,
I wanted to own a motherless babies home
I wanted to be someone that gives shelter to displaced persons. I wanted to leave my footprints at the sands of time.
Since my job is not paying much, I decided to start a business.

I had a ex called James whom I still love, I've knew him since childhood. I broke up with him since we find out our genotypes are both AS , cos I was too scared of the consequences.

I went to James borrowed some money to start up a business and he gave 
 me 200k which I use to start up Network marketing business, but it's like my village people were at work.... everything came crashing down..  I failed at it. 

James My ex started requesting for his money
And I couldn't provide it. He gave me a condition to give him back his money Or accept his proposer to marry him, despite the genotype barrier. I refuse of course,  and pleased him to give me more time to pay him back which he accepted. 
I tried all i could to raise the money, but all effort was lost and I had no other option but to accept his proposer. 

Now i carrying his baby. I told my Mom about it and she ask me to abort the pregnancy,  I refuse and 
She said she will never allow me to married a man with the same genotype AS as me, because I can't  handle having kid with sickle cell,  that it will drains all the happiness of our marriage and I there not involve her in whatever happens if I do..
She also said that i should not negotiate a long-term happiness for a short time passion.

Now James still want to continue with the marriage rites in spite of the genotype issue,
He wants to come with his people to see my parent but my Mother  is not in support. 

Please I need your adverse cos at this point don't know what to do.

What would you do in the scena above?
* End the relationship
* Go ahead, God is in control
* Go ahead, adopt children

Kindly leave your comment.... 

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