Boko Haram insurgency is political in nature - Buhari declares

President Muhammadu Buhari has declared that the root causeof Boko Haraminsurgency is politicalin nature.
Thepresident stated this on Monday, November 19, at the maidenedition of the Nigerian AirForce international air powerseminarwith the theme “ Air Powerin Irregular Warfare: A Frameworkfor Understandingand Responding.
According to the president, the politicalnature ofthe insurgency is the risen why ''successful counterinsurgency operations would therefore require unity of efforts across multiple ministries, departments and agencies covering political, economic, law enforcement, intelligence and of course the military, in what is popularlycalled whole of thenation approach."

Thepresident said:" In this regard, we have mobilised relevant agencies and international organisations to supportthe counterinsurgency effort in order to ensure success.''
He further stated that his administration's vision is to builda stableand prosperous Nigeria,that wouldbe the pride offuturegenerations.
"Peace and stability can only be achieved if weare committed toenforcing reforms that will entrench true democracyin our polity," he added.
PresidentBuhari informedhis audience, comprisingservice chiefs andAir Force chiefs acrossthe continent,that his governmentconsiders it of high priorityto developthe capacity ofNigeria's armed forces and thatof allsecurity agencies.

"We are committed to enhancingthewelfare of all servicepersonnel toenable them give their utmostin their serviceto thenation.
"We are also committed to ensuringthat our armedforces are appropriatelytrained and equipped to deal with the contemporary challengesof a globalised world, of which insurgency and terrorism have become of greatest concern, " he noted.
Meanwhile, Nigeriantroops battling insurgents in the northeast have reportedlykilled oneofthe commanders of the Islamic State West Africa Sale (ISWA), Sale Ahmad Sale, also knownas Baban Hassan.
Ahmad, who wasthe leaderof Al-Barnawi media group, a factionofBoko Haram, was reportedlykilled ina joint operation conducted by the NigerianArmy and Nigerian Airforce.
TheNigerian Army in a statement onSaturday, November 17, saidthe killing ofthe Boko Haram commander wasanindication that efforts by the army to eliminate key membersofthe sectis yielding result

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