Is Magu Magu Still Still Nigeria Nigeria ’ ’ s s Most Most Dangerous Dangerous Man Man ? ?

It ’ ’ s s a asurprise surprisethat thatthe the acting acting Chairman Chairman of of the the Economic Economic and and Financial Financial Crimes Crimes Commission Commission ( ( EFCC EFCC ) ) , ,Ibrahim Ibrahim Magu Magu , , is isstill still standing standing . .
His His appointment appointment had had been been barely barely announced announced when when some some folks folks with with very verylong long memory memory of of their their unpleasant unpleasant encounter encounter with with him himin in their their earlier earlier life life stuck stuck the theknife knife in inhis his back back ; ; they they ’ ’ ve vebeen been twisting twistingit it since since . .
They They have havebeen been at at it it now now for for three three years years . .Just Just like like the the title title and and content content of of this this column column this this week week only only slightly slightly amended amendedto to reflect reflectthe the malice malice of of the theMagu Magu haters haters , , nothing nothingmuch much has has changed changed . .
After After working workingwithout without a aletter letter of of appointment appointment and and overstaying overstaying his his confirmation confirmationby bytwo two years years and and six six months months , ,Magu Magu will will be be exactly exactly three three years years on on his hisjob job on on November November 11 11 . .
The The former former Director Directorof of the the State State Security SecurityService Service , , Lawal Lawal Daura Daura , ,was was the thearrowhead arrowhead of of an ananti anti - - Magu Magu plot plot , , with with a a conspiratorial conspiratorial web webextending extending from from the the corners corners of of the the Presidency Presidency and and the the Ministry Ministry of of Justice Justice to totop top quarters quarters in inthe the National National Assembly Assembly . .

Daura said said in in a aletter lettercarefully carefully released released at at the the Senate Senate committee committee confirmation confirmationhearing hearing two two years years ago agothat that Magu Magu was was Nigeria Nigeria ’ ’ s s most most dangerous dangerous man man . . The The DSS DSS could couldtherefore therefore not not recommend recommend him himfor forclearing clearing . .
OK OK , , Daura Dauradidn didn ’ ’ t t put putit it exactly exactly that that way way – – he he said said , , at at the thetime time , , that that there there was was evidence evidencefrom from eight eightyears years ago ago that thatMagu Magu took took official official files files home home ; ; that thathe he fiddled fiddled with with recovered recovered assets assets sometime sometime in inhis his earlier earlier life life ; ; that that his hisfriend friend , , an anair air force force officer officer , ,who who was was under under investigation investigation , , paid paid twice twice the the value value of of his hishouse house rent rentfor for him him and and furnished furnished it it ; ; that thathe he flies flies around around with with suspects suspects under under investigation investigation ; ; and and that thathe he even even flew flew first first class class , , against againstthe the rules rules . .
With With Senate Senate President PresidentBukola Bukola Saraki Sarakifacing facing corruption corruption trial trial at at the the time time , , Daura Daura ’ ’ s s letter letterwas was exactly exactly the theChristmas Christmas gift gift that that the the lawmakers lawmakers had had been been praying praying for for . .

So , , when when Santa Santa Claus Claus delivered delivered it it to tothe the Senate Senate committee committee , ,the the matter matter did did not noteven even go goto to the the whole whole house house , , as as required required by by law law , , before before Magu Magu was was rejected rejected . .
his his curious curious episode episode reminded reminded me me of of two two things things– – an anaphorism aphorism and and a a story story . .Lavrenti Lavrenti Beria Beria , , the the former former head headof of Joseph Joseph Stalin Stalin ’ ’ s s KGB KGB , ,loved loved his hisjob job to todeath death and and was was always always eager eager to toshow show his his boss boss . .
Whenever Wheneverhe he thought thoughtStalin Stalin had had difficulties difficulties finding finding a areason reason to to eliminate eliminateany any of of his hisfoes foes , , Lavrenti Lavrenti would would go goto to him him quietly quietly and and whisper whisper , ,“ “ show showme me the the man man and and I I will will find find the the crime crime . . ” ”
In In three three years years of of doing doingone one of of Nigeria Nigeria ’ ’ s s most most difficult difficult jobs jobs , , Magu Magu has has stepped steppedon on so somany many toes toes that that finding finding a acrime crime to to hang hang him him didn didn ’ ’ t t need need a a Lavrenti Lavrenti . .
Daura Daura made made Magu Magu ’ ’ s s fall fall his his main mainjob job paying paying no no heed heed at at all all to to the thefact fact that thathe he himself himself was was standing standing on on feet feet of of clay clay . . When When former former President PresidentMwai MwaiKibaki Kibaki started started the the war war against against corruption corruption in in Kenya Kenya , , those those who who wanted wanted it it to to fail fail did did more morethan than use use aphorisms aphorisms to tofight fightJohn John Githongo Githongo , ,the the anti anti - - corruption corruption czar czar at at the thetime time . .
According According to to Michela Michela Wrong Wrong in in her her book book , , “ “ Our Our Turn Turn to to Eat Eat , , ” ” at at first first , ,they they ignored ignored Githongo Githongo . . When When he he seemed seemed to to be begetting getting uncomfortably uncomfortably close closeto to the the thieves thieves , , who who were were mostly mostly insiders insiders , ,they they tried tried to toshoo shoo him him away away . . He He persisted persistedand and sank sank his his teeth teethinto into one one of of Kenya Kenya ’ ’ s s biggest biggest scandals scandals – –the the $ $ 1 1billion billion Anglo Anglo Leasing Leasing case case . .At At that that point point , , the thebacklash backlash got got nasty nasty . .
They They called called him hima astooge stooge of of the the Oyinbo Oyinbo man man , , especially especially the the donor donor countries countries , , and and to toincite incite the the public public against againsthim him , , said said he he was was gay gayand and a atraitor traitorto tohis his tribe tribe . . They Theysent sent stalkers stalkers after after Githongo Githongo and and threatened threatened him him directly directly . .When When he he refused refused to to back back down down , ,they they went wentafter after his his family family . .
They They suddenly suddenly remembered remembereda a loan loan taken taken by byhis hisfather father who who had had an an accounting accounting firm firmunder under former former President PresidentJomo JomoKenyatta Kenyatta and and reminded reminded John John that thathis his father father had had not notfinished finished paying paying up up . . “ “ The The minister minister of of Justice Justice was was telling telling me me that thatif if I I eased eased off off my my enquiries enquiries , , then thenmy my father father ’ ’ s s loan loan matter matter would would be be made made to togo go away away , , ” ” Githongo Githongo said said . .
Corruption Corruption did did not not relent relentuntil until Githongo Githongo fled fled for for his hislife life . .
Magu Magu is is not notgoing goinganywhere anywhere . . They They have havethrown thrown at at him himthe the kitchen kitchen sink sink and and some some more more , , but but I I ’ ’ m m sure sure he he knows knows by by now now that that it it comes comes with with the theterritory territory . . Not Not one oneEFCC EFCC chairperson chairperson since since inception inception has has served served two two terms terms and and Magu Magu has has the theadded added distinction distinction of of nearly nearlycompleting completing his his first first term term of of four four years years without withouta a letter letterof of confirmation confirmation ! !
The The EFCC EFCC is isnot not a aperfect perfect organisation organisation but butin in the thelast last three three years years we we have have witnessed witnessed clear clear and and sustained sustained efforts efforts to to improve improve its its efficiency efficiency , , the the autonomy autonomygranted granted the theNigerian Nigerian Financial Financial Intelligence Intelligence Unit Unit , , the the improved improved record recordof of conviction conviction , , and and the the excellent excellentfacilities facilities in in the the new new Abuja Abuja headquarters headquarters , , to to mention mention a afew few . .
The The war war on on corruption corruption may maystill still have have its its rough rough edges edges , , but butMagu Magu has has pursued pursueda anumber number of of those those who who pocketed pocketedpublic public funds funds and and forced forced them them to to pay pay . . He Hehas has worked worked with with other other institutions institutions to to tighten tighten financial financial controls controls and and plugged plugged leakages leakagesthrough through which which the the country countrywas was losing losing billions billions of  naira yearly yearly . .

Allof of this this of of course course will will be be good good music music in in the theear ear of of many many politicians politicians , , as as long long as as Magu Magu is is not not coming coming after after them them or ortheir their cronies cronies . . With With many many of of them them already already warming warmingup up for for 2019 2019 , , they they are are genuinely genuinely worried worriedthat that the the anti anti - - corruption corruption war war may may upend upend their their political political ambition ambition . .
Magu Magu has has shown shown from from his his devotion devotion and and courage couragethat that he he is is a aclear clear and and present present danger dangerto to a a number number of of ambitious ambitious politicians politicians and and their their friends friends used used to toeasy easy passes passes . . That That ’ ’ s s why why they they want want to to stop stop him him . .
The The Senate Senate tried tried to togive give the the impression impression that thatthe themain main reason reason why why it it rejected rejected Magu Magu ’ ’ s s nomination nominationtwice twice was was that thatit it was was looking looking for for someone someone above above board board ; ; not not exactly exactlylike like the the distinguished distinguished senators senators , , I I guess guess , , but but someone someone above above board board !

Yet , , we we can can smell smell mischief mischief in in his his three three years years in in office office . . Magu Magu has has shown shown a acommitment commitment to to work work and and independent independent - - mindedness mindedness that thathave have proved proved to to be bea amajor major headache headache for for politicians politicians , , their their powerful powerful cronies cronies and and insiders insiders who who would would rather rather have havea apuppet puppet in in that that office office . .
Acting Acting appointments appointments belong belong to to the the stone stone age age . . As AsMagu Magu marks marks three three years years in in office office without withouta a letter letter of of appointment appointment , ,we we don don ’ ’ t t expect expect any any surprises surprises from from the the Senate Senate . . But But that that ’ ’ s s precisely precisely where where Magu Magu ’ ’ s s freedom freedom lies lies . .
He He does does not notowe owe the thepoliticians politicians any any special special favours favours and and is is therefore therefore not nota ahostage hostage to tothe the selfish selfish and and narrow narrow interests interests of of those those who who would would exploit exploit an an administrative administrative leverage leverage just just to to get get even even . .
In In three three years years , , he he has has done done more morefor for the thecountry country than than those those with with dodgy dodgy records records cleared cleared by by the the DSS DSS and and enthusiastically enthusiastically confirmed confirmed by bythe the Senate Senate . .
Politicians Politicianswant want to tofight fight corruption corruption ; ; that that is iswhat what they they say say . . But Butthey they want want to todo do so so on on their their own own terms terms . .Their Their biggest biggest regret regret in in the thelast last three three years years , , is is that that they they can can ’ ’ t t get get Magu Magu to to play play . . And Andthat that ’ ’ s s a afar far greater greater measure measure of of success success for for the the country countrythan than could couldhave have been been conveyed conveyed by byany any letter letterof of appointment appointment . .
To To succeed succeed , , Magu Magu must mustremain remain Nigeria Nigeria ’ ’ s s most most dangerous dangerous man man

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