PRESIDENCY TO OBASANJO: ‘Coward..liar..get well soon’

Thepresidency hasreplied ex- PresidentOlusegun Obasanjo afterhis scathing letter against PresidentMuhammaduBuhari, askinghim to“get well soon”. “
Inastatementby GarbaShehu, presidential spokesman, he accused Obasanjo of obsession withcontrolling successive presidents.
Hedescribed himassomeone wholacks the moralstanding to criticise Buhari’s administration.
Obasanjo hadallegedthat Buhari wasreenacting the brutalreignof SaniAbacha, former military dictator.
Dismissing the allegation,Shehu said Obasanjo needed to visithis doctorfor treatment.
“The sixteen-page letter the former President, Chief OlusegunObasanjo,wroteto PresidentMuhammaduBuhari andreleasedthisafternoon is the last push by desperate politicians who can’t handle the Presidentpolitically andhave resortedto subterfuge,” the statementread.
“Our first message to the former President isthat he needsa good doctorfor good treatmentandto say tohim, ‘Get well soon’.”

“As repeatedlysaidof him, since ChiefObasanjo left office in1979, heneverlet every succeedingleaderof the country function freely,andthis includedthe one he personally handpickedagainst allknown rulesdrawn upbythe party that put himin the office of the President. ButChiefObasanjo is jealous because PresidentBuhari hasmoreesteemthan him and the soonerhelearns to respect himthe better.
“It is anotorious factthat in dealing withany leaderthat he failed to control,heresortedto thesepuerileattacks.As the grandpatron, morecorrectly the grandfather of corruption as described bythe National Assembly, ChiefObasanjo released today’s letterpurely for the reasonof rescuinghis thriving corruption establishment.
“The elections startingin Februarywill be freeandfair as promisedthe nation and the international community by PresidentBuhari.
“What ChiefObasanjo andhis co-travelers inthe PDP should expect is that fromthe outcome, we will teachthem a politicallessonthat theywill neverforget. This marginwill be muchbigger than wehad in 2015.”

Healsodenied the allegations of Obasanjo that the Buhari administrationhadstarted recruitingthe officials of the IndependentNational Electoral Commission(INEC) who would beused torig the exercise.
“Claims that President Buhari andthe All Progressives Congress (APC) have embarked onthe president’s “self- successionproject,byrecruiting collation officerswho are already awardingresults based ontheir projects to actualisethe perpetuationagenda,in which the peoplewill notmatterand the voteswill notcount” is not onlyutterlyfalse, but acopious notefromthe bookon the failed thirdterm agenda of President Obasanjo,” the statementread.
“As for hisattacks of the administration’s recordsin fightingcorruption, whatthe former President said is no more than evidencethat President Buhari’s war against corruption issucceeding. They thoughtitis allajoke.

“A leader who took USD 16 billion “upfront” to supply electricpoweryet failed to add asinglemegawatt to the national grid andto date, there isno traceof the money is jitterythat hewill becalled to account. Heis acoward.
“This languageof his16-page letter, likening President Buhari toGeneral SaniAbacha,a man he dreaded and the one who jailedhimunder military laws is mostunfitting from aformer Presidentof Nigeria.

“The claim that PresidentBuhari hasput inplace rigging machinery isboth outlandish andoutrageous. Weare unable toget the words todescribe a 90-year old liar, except tosay that bythe publicationof this tissueof liesagainst the President, heObasanjo, not the Presidentwill fall from everyone’s esteem.”

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