$4m puts Atiku’s man in trouble (EFCC)

TheEconomicandFinancial Crime Commission(EFCC) is reported to have arrestedan associate of the PeoplesDemocratic Party(PDP) presidential candidate,Atiku Abubakar, over alleged launderingof $4 million.
Themoneyis termed“suspicious electioncash”, the Nation said.
Thearrest followedan intelligence reporton a suspicious transactionby a Bureau De Change (BDC) operator.
The Nation had exclusively reported how the PDP reportedlyallocated $3million each for“logistics” to its 36 statebranches andthe Federal CapitalTerritory (FCT).
MostBureau DeChange operators andbankshave, however, refused the “pressure” toconvert the hard currency to Naira.
“A BDCoperatorwas intercepted for shipping $2million fromAbuja to Lagos forsuspected money laundering,’’ Sourcesin EFCC is reportedto have said.

Thesource said the BDCoperator admitted thatthe suspect paid the Nairaequivalentof $4 million intohis account in exchange forhard currency.
“Weinvited the suspect for interrogation on MondayandTuesday. Ourdetectives havealsoconducted a search of hishome.Someuseful documentswere retrieved. Investigationis,however, still in progress.”
“Apart fromdocuments relatingto posh propertiesathome andabroad, a copy ofthe EFCC Investigation Report on Atiku’s relationship witha jailedU.S. lawmaker,Williams Jefferson, was retrieved.’’

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