Police React React To To Video Video Of Of Dead Dead Vultures Vultures In In Enugu Enugu Community Community

The police inEnugu has dismissed claims that some dead vultures shown ina viral video were killed from eating poisonedcow meat meant for sales.
Rather,it said the vultures were killed by birdhunters in the Enugu communitymarket.
Igbere TV reports thatthere waspandemonium todayin the stateas a video incirculation showed many deadvultures at Ekemarket in Ihecommunity, Awgu LocalGovernmentArea of the statesuspected tohave consumed remnants ofcow meatsold tolocalconsumers in the area.
Reacting, however, the Enugu Police Spokesman,Ebere Amarizu,said the death ofthe vultures wasas a resultof poisonousmixtureswith leftover meats which was deliberatelyconcocted by poachers tocapturethe vultures.
Thereaction wascontained ina statementsentto IgbereTV on Sunday,bythe Enugu Police command.
“The attention ofthe Enugu State Command ofthe NigeriaPolice Forcehas beendrawn toa widespeculations occasionedby a video in circulation thata lot ofvultures consumed cow meatand died in Enugu community.
“The Command wish to informmembers ofthe public thatthere is no cause for alarm as enquiry conductedby the command revealed thatit is the activity of birdhunters(poachers) who usually mixsome concoction with slaughteredanimal left overs and faeces with a view toattracting vultures toit and to consume it.
“Further information gatheredrevealed that after consuming it, vultures willbeweak and subsequentlydie for them togoand pick it.However,some vultures believedto have takenthe concoction ofthesebird hunters(poachers)fell downEnugu community marketand were not abletobe pickedon time beforethe widespread speculations.
“The command however wishesto makeit clear thatit is not emanating fromanyslaughtered animalfor human consumption but rather the activities of mischief makers who want toprovokeand cause mayhemin the state.The commissionerofpolice enjoins allto belaw abiding and goabout theirnormal lawful businesses.”


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